Ideas for restorative practices

Welcome in the Sorrybox!

The Sorrybox collects all sorts of methodologies, vision texts, ideas, ... that can get you started on restorative practices work.

In addition to the part 'I want to make up for something' that focuses more on the young people themselves, this is a place where you, as educator, teacher, parent, management, ... can dig deeper into other ideas, new methodologies, vision texts on recovery , ...

The methodologies are divided by age, type of methodology and social-emotional development level.

All methodologies are also placed on a continuum according to their relevance, using the letters A to D for each title. Methods with the letter A are purposefully restorative practices, show examples and possibly videos. The working method of the sorry box is further explored here..


To the methodologies

Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions, remarks or ideas:



sponsorlogos: MPC Terbank, Link in de Kabel, Lions